17 Successful Memory Builders For Family


successful memory builders

Do You Use These Successful Memory Builders?

Successful memory builders for family include ten simple ways to share memories. Memory builders enhance family time for all. Life’s pleasures always include special family time.

Successful Memory Builders – Family

  • Family dates – schedule family dates into your weekly or monthly to do list; children love to spend special time with parents
  • Daily activities – include children in a variety of daily activities; this can include running errands, creating meals, reading books, playing games
  • Create special letters – write special letters to each family member; this can be during the holidays, or any time of the year; let them know how special they are
  • Notes of encouragement – include notes of encouragement in your child’s lunchbox; add special notes in your spouse’s, too
  • Family vacations – short or longer vacations are a great way to create successful memory builders

Special Occasion Memory Builders

  • Birthdays – create a special occasion to remember during family birthdays; add special decorations; take a special trip, and more
  • Graduation – hold a special graduation party for the graduate; celebrate the grand accomplishment
  • Thanksgiving – include special time with family alone, and have a bigger event for extended family; focus on special times
  • Christmas – include small ways during the hectic season to make other family members smile; make special treats early in the month; take each child on a shopping trip
  • College bound – when children are college bound, have a small festivity; create special gifts and letters; create a memory book for them to take to college

Great Outdoors Memory Builders

  • Camping & hiking – most children love to get outdoors (some adults, too); create special memories camping and hiking; visit state parks
  • Fishing & hunting – free fishing days are great ways to try out the sport of fishing; hunting families can also create special memories each season
  • Family hobbies – create special family time doing hobbies; find out what others enjoy and take time to do it together
  • Walking & picnics – for a simple way to spend time making memories; take short walks together; talk about the events of the day; have a family picnic day once a month

Other Successful Memory Builders

  • Learning at home – learn new subjects at home; do science experiments with children; young adults enjoy learning new things, too
  • Movie time – include a movie night once a month, and don’t forget to make popcorn or special snacks
  • Local attractions – take the time to visit nearby zoos, nature centers, museums, and other local attractions

Creating Special Memories

There are always simple ways to create special memories. Every family member enjoys the journey. Having time together will create strong bonds and give a lifetime of memories.

What Successful Memory Builders Do You Use?

What successful memories do you create year-round? Do you have some not listed above? Leave your special memory makers in the comments below!


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